Sunday, January 17, 2010

church behavior

There should really be time-outs at church.

Last Sunday, we were sitting in our seats listening to the sermon and Micah, true to form, was getting hungry.  It happens right about the same time every week.  So, we pulled out our trusty supply of Cheerios and goldfish and his sippy with water in it.  He was sitting on my lap, alternating feeding me ONE Cheerio at a time and frantically stuffing HANDFULS in his mouth (seems we're a little stingy with the Cheerios, hmmmm???).  All of a sudden, he turned to me and pursed his lips, and blew me an air kiss.  I air-kissed him back.  With a huge grin on his face, he leaned forward......opened his Cheerio-filled mouth......and LICKED my face, followed by an open-mouth kiss on the cheek, leaving me with a trail of freshly-chewed Cheerios on my face. 

I know, I know........I loved the IDEA behind the kiss.  But the delivery method?  Not so much. 

After that, it became a game - he trying to leave more pureed Cheerios on my face and me trying to dodge him. 

Like I said, maybe there should be time-outs in church.....
