Friday, February 26, 2010

naughty streak

The understatement of the week:

"Daycare was a leeeeeeeeetle bit rough this week."

Now, I know you find it just as hard to believe that as I do.....knowing my sweet, angelic-faced, little, can-do-no-wrong baby boy (GUFFAW) but believe you me, he got in a leeeeeeeeeeeeetle bit of trouble this week!

When I pick Micah up, I always ask him how his day was.  (How stupid is that?  Like he's EVER gonna answer me, especially when he's done something wrong!)  I've found recently that when he has done something wrong or had a bad day, he greets me at the door and showers me with blown kisses.  On really bad days, he runs and blows kisses before he even gets TO me.  I guess that's to soften the blow.

Don't tell him, but it usually works.  

The following daily reports are summarized for your reading pleasure - and so my mom can relish the moments where I am reaping the sweet fruits of PAYBACK.

By the way, no names have been changed because Micah is darn guilty and really did do all these things.  

Tuesday: Micah chucked a toy at the glass fireplace screen.  He turned and looked at Donna - she says she didn't say a single word but just looked at him - and he realized that what he had done was PROBABLY not allowed.  I swear he's good at interpreting looks, even at 17 months.  He knows when he's in trouble, and this, well, this would be one of those times.  So he walked over and sat himself down on the floor!  After a few seconds, he got up and started to walk away.  Donna was still looking at him.  He looked at her......looked over at Grandma (Donna's mom)......and walked back and sat down.  Yes, thank you, we do practice self-discipline at our house.

Wednesday: Today his target wasn't the fireplace screen but the children he spends all day with.  Apparently toys were made for throwing at other children and ponytails were made for pulling.  Now, in his defense, if there was a little girl nearby with a Bam-Bam ponytail sticking out of the top of her head, I would think it was there for me to pull too!  How can a little boy resist??!?!?!  Isn't pulling hair a sign that you like a girl?  Wait a minute......we are SO not ready for that stage yet....... 

Thursday: By now Micah is what we would consider a "repeat offender".  Yesterday, when I picked him up, I started off with this plea: "Buddy, PLEEEEEEEASE tell me you had a better day today. "  And then I looked at Donna, waiting for confirmation.

Yep, it's Friday.....still waiting for that confirmation.....

She said to me, "Mommy, we're just having a rough WEEK."  Yesterday, he discovered a new game, of which he is very fond.  It goes something like this...first, you take a hard toy, like a block, and you bang it on someone's head or throw it so it hits them in the head.  Then you RUN (AKA waddle really fast) away from said child until you are out of reach.  Then you stop, turn, and laugh.  Because apparently, in Micah's world, that is really funny!  So was timeout, I hear.  You can imagine the rest of the day.

Friday: Today my little angel-face really did have a great day!  That made me so happy.  I love hearing that so much more than all the naughty little things he has done.  The toddler stage may very well make him an only child!

On the positive side, I got showered with "blown kisses" this week......

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

pushing (our) buttons

Micah LOVES to push buttons.  Literally and, more recently, figuratively.  

It's Wednesday night, and I have conferences.  Daddy has Micah for the evening.

It's also payday.  That only comes around once a month, and we await its arrival with baited breath.

Our ritual is the same....every month on the 10th, we go to the bank after said paychecks have been deposited and we take out our budgeted money for groceries, gas, clothing, and charitable donations for the entire month.  Then we don't set foot in the bank until the 10th of the next month. 

Why do we do that, did you ask?  Well, I would be THRILLED to tell you!  We just celebrated our one year anniversary of FPU - Financial Peace University.  Apart from our wedding day and the birth of our son, it was the third most life-changing event we've experienced as a couple.  But that's a story for another time - I digress....

The following story is written by me but told by Dan.  No names have been changed to protect the innocent, because the innocent is 16 - almost 17 - months old and SOOOO not innocent!  But he's SOOOO cute.....

On the night in question, Dan and Micah were in charge of going to the bank and getting out the cash and picking up a few groceries.  Those errands went without a hitch, and Dan was buckling Micah into his carseat.  He closed the door and started pushing the cart back to the cart thingie when he heard a BEEP, BEEP!  That beep, beep is the sound our keys make when you hit the "lock" button.  The keys?  They weren't in Dan's hand.  HE didn't make that beep, beep sound.  They were in Micah's hand.  Micah was in his carset.  In the car.  With the key.  Dan was outside.  Do you feel the panic building?  I do, and I wasn't even there!

Seems that when Dan was buckling him in, the key had fallen out of his pocket and into the carseat.  And of course, my little naughty boy angel face found it.  And locked the car from inside.

So what does a responsible, wise, parent of a toddler who loves buttons DO, in that situation? 

I would like to stop for a second and thank the heavens above that it was not ME standing outside that car.  Because of the two of us, I'm not the level-headed one.  I'm the one who would've burst into tears, called Dan and screamed and cried about how I didn't know what to do, and then stood looking mournfully through the window at the child who was grinning from inside the car.  Because he may only be 16 - almost 17 - months, but he is FAR from stupid. 

Dan had a much more mature reaction.  He rushed back over to the door, grabbed the door handle, and pretended to push the buttons on the imaginary key in his hand so that Micah would copy him.  It took a few tries, but fortunately Micah started pushing the UNLOCK button and Dan was able to grab the handle quickly enough to open the door.

For THAT prank, he is SO not getting his license until he's 45.

So, a happy ending after all!  I'd so like to say it would've happened as smoothly as that if the roles were reversed, but I would so be lying. 

That little boy, he's good at pushing more ways than you can imagine!

Thursday, February 4, 2010



My name is Kristen.

I'm Micah's mama, and I'm a CD addict.

Not music CD's.  Cloth Diapers.  It's all the rage at our house these days!

We started cloth diapering about a month ago and I can honestly say that Micah's tushie has never looked so adorable in his entire 16 month of life.  Not only is it CUTE, it's DRY.....and it has no trace of diaper rash!  We are in love - well, at least I am - with our new system of diapering, and it is way easier than I ever thought.

I never would've gotten started without the help of two fabulous new friends, Jess and Megan.  Jess is the owner of Top to Bottom Baby Boutique, Omaha's only cloth diaper store.  Check out her website for some great deals and second-to-none customer service!  She was responsible for getting me started supply-wise and spending precious time at my house showing me all my diapering options.  I blame her for my zeroed-out checking account balance.

Top to Bottom Baby Boutique

Megan, on the other hand, has been my CD 9-1-1.  She helps me through all my CD crises and answers countless questions at all times of the day.  She knows all things cloth diapers and is my personal walking cloth diaper encyclopedia.  I am her new stalker - I bet she didn't realize what she was getting herself into!

Megan is a stay-at-home mom who works hard raising her son and keeping up a fantastic blog in her - ahem - spare time.  (Does any mom have that, by the way?  Just curious...)  She does lots of reviews for cloth diapers and cloth diapering products so that junkies new converts like me can get the latest fix updates about what is available out there in the cloth diaper world.

She just did a review for the Softbums diaper, and she is having a giveaway.  I have entered as many times as humanly possible because I SO NEED ANOTHER NEW DIAPER AT MY HOUSE!!  I HAVE TO HAVE IT!!!

I mean, I would really like to win.
I put her button for her blog on the left sidebar.  Check it out!  Go visit her page, read about the diapers, look at her little guy.  He comes with a cute, fluffy tushie too!

Don't forget to click below to read about the Softbums giveaway! 

Softbums review and giveaway


My name is Kristen.

I'm Micah's mama, and I'm a CD addict.

Anybody know a good 12-step program out there?
